Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

The purpose of the fight scenes in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is not only to make the movie be really awesome and cool, but to show how disciplined and well trained the Wudan are at their art. It is really important for one to be disciplined at the things that they like to do, because if one is not disciplined enough, they will never become a master at what they want to do well. Being well trained is another important thing in life. If it was not important, we wouldn’t have schools and colleges, and the ones with the most training, such as doctors and lawyers, get paid much more money and have more prestige than someone working an entry level job. The same can be said for the movie. The fighters with the most training and discipline almost always come out on top. Another possible purpose of the fight scenes is that the directors wanted to show how emotional and intense the fighters were about their cause. They wanted to show that they would use their discipline and training to fight for what they believed in the most. But, the obvious reason why the fight scenes are in the movie is because they are super cool.

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