Friday, January 4, 2013

Waiting for College Accpetances

The only thing I dislike about wanting to be a music major in college is having to wait so much longer than everyone else for acceptances. My brother has already received all of the acceptances into his colleges. I, on the other hand, have to wait until many weeks after I audition, and I have to be academically accepted too, not just accepted into the music department. I have 2 more auditions that I have to go to, and then after that, I might have to re- audition for a scholarship, prolonging the acceptance letter even longer. I am more worried about getting in academically than I am about the musical part of it. I just wish I could get some acceptance letters. After I hopefully get my acceptance letters, I’ll have to worry about the financial part of it. All this stress from college seems to be unnecessary, but it is even worse that it is just extra stress, and I still have to worry about school and other things. I know I have to keep my grades up to have a chance at getting into some of the schools that I applied too, and right now, I’m having difficulties keeping them up. I don’t even know if I should even worry about all of it though, soon enough the college process will be over. I think that sometimes people can overestimate the importance of college, Bill Gates dropped out of college and he’s a billionaire. But sometimes, college is good because it can help someone find out what they want to do for a career, it can give them the guidance that they need to succeed. Overall, the college process is super stressful for me, and I guess that I have mixed feelings about college itself too.

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