Friday, March 15, 2013

College Stuff

Today I was supposed to hear from the college that is my first choice about their admission decision. But oddly enough, nothing came. I don’t think I forgot to include anything in my file, I am actually really sure I submitted everything I needed in my file. I have checked my e-mail several times, but I still haven’t gotten anything from the school. Nothing came in the mail and no one called my house, so I don’t know what’s happening. Maybe the post office didn’t receive the letter in time or something. The school is in Minnesota, so this is a possibility. I’m not really upset about it, it’s just weird. Hopefully, it got to the post office today but they couldn’t put it in the mail, so they’ll put it in tomorrow’s mail. Maybe it might even come on Monday or Tuesday. I was looking forward to getting the letter today, but I was sort of shocked when I got home and nothing was in the mail for me. I even checked the portal a couple of times and nothing was on it. A couple of times, they’ve sent me things but the postmark date was four or five days before I received it. So hopefully, there is just a delay between when they send it and when I receive it. I’m just surprised that I didn’t get it today, but hopefully it’ll be in my mailbox tomorrow.

Golf Season

Golf season started on Wednesday, we had our first tryout for the golf team. It was a terrible day to play golf, it was cold, windy, and wet, but I was still super excited to play. By the time I got to the first tee, I could barely feel my hands because of the wind and cold, and it was hard for me to feel the club when I swung it. I hate playing golf in conditions like this because it makes a difficult game way more difficult. I like to play the most when it’s about seventy degrees and not windy. Days like that won’t come until May or June though. I still enjoy playing golf for school though, it’s pretty cool how golf can be both a team sport and an individual sport, and I think that’s why I like it so much. It looks like our schedule this year is more difficult than it was the past couple years, but I think we’ll be good enough to have a pretty good record and get in the state tournament. Hopefully next week the weather is really nice so none of the other practices are cancelled, and I hope there’s a good day in March when it’s sixty degrees, that would be awesome.

My Trip to Minnesota

In the first week of March, I went out to Minnesota for a college scholarship audition. It's like it's a different country there. Whenever I would hear someone talk, I could barely understand them because their accents were so thick. It was super cold there too.The morning of my audition it was one degree outside, but for some reason, it didn't feel that cold. Another weird thing about it was that I only saw one other redhead when I was there. People were literally staring at my hair when I was walking around the Mall of America, it sort of creeped me out. Anyways, the Mall of America was about two minutes away from my hotel, so my Dad and I decided to go there right after we got to our hotel. It was the biggest place I have ever seen. There were four levels to it and each level was about a mile around. There was also a gigantic amusement park for kids in the middle of the mall. It had about three roller coasters in it too, it was almost too big. It also had an aquarium in the basement. To me, it seemed really stupid that someone would ever build a mall that big, it was almost overwhelming. That being said, the people there were way different from the East Coast, they were all super nice. I liked the college I auditioned at also. I actually really liked it a lot, so hopefully I’ll be in Minnesota for college.